AVA Trio

15.06.2023, 19:30 Uhr

Ava Trio

"Wundersam erleben konnten die Zuhörer zwei Sets, in denen aus Rhythmus Geräusch, aus Geräusch Melodie und aus Melodie Rhythmus wurde." Wiesenbacher Woche Magazine (over Antoniushof concert 01.12.22)

AVA Trio's successful debut release 'Music from an Imaginary Land in 2017 has placed the band on "Best Debut Album" picks for National Public Radio (NPR), All About Jazz and El Intruso International Jazz Critic Pool. The band has toured extensively across Europe and China, taking part in Doek Festival Amsterdam, ZomerJazzFietsTour, Barletta Jazz Festival, OCT-Loft Shenzhen Jazz Festival, XiHu Blooms Music Festival, Shanghai World Music Festival, to name a few. With their second studio album "Digging the Sand", the group continued to mine the imagination and avoid the cliché-riddled and well-worn paths. Their destinations need no justification; their music is timeless.

Giuseppe Doronzo - Baritone Saxophone/bagpipes/gongs (Italy)

Esat Ekincioglu - Double bass (Turkey)

Ezgi Elkırmış - Percussions (Turkey)

AVA Trio continues to sail across the Mediterranean. In their brand new EP "Ash' released on February 24 on Tora Records, the band embarks on an archeo-musicological quest to the ancient cities of Pompeii and Knossos - buried under volcanic ash.

Bunker Ulmenwall
33602 Bielefeld

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